- 2024年12月20日: “CS Tech - Assembly专栏” 更新上传了汇编语言原理模块4讲和MASM32入门模块3讲。
- 2024年10月28日: 更新了笔记网站内容的布局架构。修正了线性代数笔记的图片不显示、公式错乱问题。
- 2024年10月27日: 上传了 高级线性代数四讲! (新)
- 2024年9月29日: 添加了 工科试验班经验分享 栏目,并添加了大一经验分享。
How to use this NoteBook¶
The structure of the NoteBook:
is a marker which represent this marked column is under construction.
+ Home
- Introduction
+ Math:
- Linear Algebra
+ CS Tech:
- CS overview:
- CS Crash Course: CS_basical_knowledge.md
- Programming Language
- Assembly
- Deep Learning
+ *Experience: To describe the experience of coping with the small tasks
- How to build a site
- How to prepare a final examination/test
+ Tools: To recommend some useful tools to bring convience to CSer
- Shell
- Terminal
- Git
- Vim
+ Hobby Fields: Some Knowledge except the CS knowledge.
- Photoing
More Info¶
I'm ready to talk with you if you have any innovative ideas or sinsere improvement advice. Listed below is my email address and I will check it every day.